More than half a century has now passed since Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs launched, in 1967, its Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists (Zaiken) funding young artists to study at relevant institutions overseas, with the aim of nurturing talent to sustain the Japanese arts sector into the future. In the domain of fine art, the “DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow” exhibition inaugurated in 1998 creates opportunities for these artists to showcase the outcomes of their studies abroad.
“DOMANI plus” are themed exhibitions of small to medium size that have been held at provincial venues, online etc. since 2015.
DOMANI plus @ Aichi will feature work by four artists, including two Aichi-based practitioners, in exhibitions at the Aichi Arts Center and Minatomachi. Aichi has played host to numerous exhibitions and arts festivals over the years, in different locations around the Prefecture including the Aichi Arts Center, and Nagoya’s waterfront area, city and arts connecting intimately to foster a flourishing contemporary arts scene. DOMANI plus will create settings for spectators to encounter “where the gaze resides” in the view of each of the featured artists, and what is projected at the end of that gaze. Key words at the Aichi Arts Center venue will be color and form, and at the Minatomachi venue, family, memory and time.
January 18 (Tu)–March 23 (Sa) 2022.
NAGASHIMA Yurie (b. 1973 / photograph, 1998, 1 yr., California, USA)
FURUHASHI Madoka (b. 1983 / sculpture, photograph, installation, 2017, 1 yr., Oaxaca, Mexico City, Mexico)
The Nagoya Port area, Minatomachi, has always been a place for people and things of different origins to mix and mingle, primarily through trade. Built on reclaimed land around a century ago, over that time it has also been a place where people go about the business of their daily lives.
The Minatomachi venue will present offerings from Nagashima Yurie, whose work tackles feminist themes; and Furuhashi Madoka, whose practice started with tangible objects, and in recent years has been concerned with labor as intangible energy, and the body. Nagashima will put together an exhibit composed of a tarp and tent made with her own mother and partner’s mother, and photographs taken during that process. Furuhashi meanwhile will present a new work that views the body as an extension of natural history, a product of her residency (MAT, Nagoya Studio Project vol. 7) at Minatomachi from this autumn following in the wake of a family member’s death in Aichi during the pandemic, her acquisition of a newfound routine in gardening, and a visit to a mine in the Seto region. Through the works of these two artists, this exhibition will turn its gaze on perspectives revolving around personal histories to which generalization about “the times” do not do justice, and the objects of those perspectives.
January 18 (Tu)–23 (Su) 2022
OTSUKA Yasuko (b. 1968 / contemporary art, 2009, 1 yr., Edinburgh, UK)
TOMII Motohiro (b. 1973 / sculpture, 2015, 1 yr., New York, USA)
The Aichi Arts Center cultural complex opened in the Nagoya district of Sakae in 1992 as a hub for a range of arts activities, and has hosted a wide variety of exhibitions at its museum, theater and other facilities, as well as the Aichi Triennale. In 2022 the Center will provide the venue for the “Aichi 2022” international arts festival.
For DOMANI plus the Aichi Arts Center will present work by Otsuka Yasuko, who contemplates the presence of color in spaces, via various techniques in two and three dimensions; and Tomii Motohiro, who studies readymade items and takes their structure and design as inspiration for sculptural works. By pondering multiple approaches to the simple act of gazing upon color and form, the works of these two artists will help visitors to cultivate hitherto unknown ways of looking at the world.
Production assistance Art Venture Office Shou
January 18 (Tu)–23 (Su) 2022
Hours: 10:00–18:00 (–20:00 Fridays; entry permitted up to 30 mins. before closing)
Venue: Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Gallery J
Admission free
Due to the circumstances of new coronavirus infectious diseases, the period and programs may change.
We publish the latest information on our website and SNS.
solo exhibition “about home” installation view
photo|Keizo Kioku
《El Nadir》(part of the work) 2019
clay(San Agustin Yatareni),stones(Magdalena Apasco),artificial sweat
solo exhibition”Sloping Sculpture” installation view 2020
Yumiko Chiba Associates viewing room shinjuku,Tokyo
photo|Masaru Yanagiba
Photo Courtesy | Yumiko Chiba Associates
“DOMANI plus” are themed exhibitions of small to medium size that have been held at provincial venues, online etc. since 2015.
Aichi Triennale2022
The Aichi Triennale is an urban international art festival, held every three years since 2010 across a wide region including the Aichi Arts Center and other city venues, and preparations are underway for Aichi Triennale 2022 to build on the achievements of the previous four iterations. The festival will span a wide range of fields, synthetically exhibiting performing art and other forms together with a contemporary art core, and make Aichi Prefecture a beacon of the artistic avant-garde.
Aichi Triennale Organizing Committee
・Contributing to the global development of culture and art by creating and disseminating cutting-edge art
・Bringing culture and art into people’s daily lives by promoting and providing education on contemporary art
・Enhancing the attractiveness of the region by vitalizing culture and art activities
period|July 30 (Saturday) to October 10 (Monday, public holiday), 2022