Toshihiro Tominaga
A solo exhibition by Toshihiro Tominaga was held at the gallery. Tominaga had worked for 2 years since 2014 as an instructor for “Tide Barrier Project (Nishitsukiji Hatahata Daisakusen!)”, in which the artist painted murals on the former tide barriers with the sixth graders of Nishitsukiji Elementary School, and interacted with children and other local people.
A total of 10 works including paintings and drawings were exhibited. Reminiscent motifs such as mountains, roads, planets, and figures were colorfully drawn with acrylics, colored pencils, and masking tapes.
Tominaga had done workshops with children or interviewed people at the local shopping area, and had been getting involved with the locals. During the exhibition, people approached and asked him about his work. The exhibition served as a showcase of his work as an artist. The artist himself was in the gallery occasionally and had the opportunity to communicate with the viewers.